

  • 1 Fig
  • 50g cut oats
  • 3 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 120g yogurt (I used Tesco protein yogurt but natural or Greek yogurt is fine)
  • Shredded coconut
  • Whole Milk
  • Honey


I always add a couple of splashes of whole milk to the oats before adding everything else as I find it softens them better than yogurt alone. Mix the milk with the oats, add the yogurt and combine with the oats.

Add 3 teaspoons chia seeds, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract and the 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix to combine and add a little more milk if it is a bit too thick for you liking. Remember the chia seeds swell and absorb a lot of the moisture leaving a gell texture overnight.

In the morning or following day depending on when you want to eat the proats, slice the fig and place on top, scatter a few shards of the coconut and drizzle a healthy amount of honey on top.

Mix to combine then sit back and enjoy with a nice cuppa.

Coconut, chia seed, bee pollen and honey overnight oats


  • 50g oats
  • 125ml protein yogurt
  • splash of whole milk
  • 2 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 1/2 an apple either chopped finely or julienned
  • 2 teaspoons shredded coconut
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons bee pollen


Mix the oats, chia seeds, coconut and honey with the splash of milk as i don’t find it mixes as well as just with the yogurt on its own. Add the yogurt, apple and bee pollen and mix to combine making sure it’s fully incorporated so you don’t have clumps of dry oats in the mix.

Leave overnight in a kilner jar to soak and for the bee pollen to break down its outer shell, leaving you with all it’s honey bee goodness. Enjoy for breakfast, mid morning snack or post gym recovery meal. It will leave you feeling full and satisfied for hours.


  • Oats (Depending on how hungry you are, I usually add 1 third of a kilner jar as they expand with the wet ingredients)
  • 3 teaspoons chia seed
  • 2 tablespoons desicated coconut
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • Splash whole milk
  • 125ml greek yogurt
  • 1 papaya chut into chunks


Add the oats, coconut, chia seed, honey and a splash of milk to a kilner jar and mix to combine dry ingredients with the milk. Top with the Greek yogurt and mix again until all lumps have been incorporated into the yogurt and milk.

Close the clasp on the kilner jar and refrigerate overnight. Remove from the fridge, add a splash more milk if the mixture is too dry and top with the papaya chunks before spooning into one hungry mouth.


  • 1 packet of coconut, chia seed instant porridge or your favourite flavour
  • 1 liberte high protein yogurt (I’ve used strawberry and blueberry and both equally as good)
  • Couple of teaspoons of ground oats to bulk out
  • 2 teaspoons of desiccated coconut
  • 100 ml of whole milk (depening on thickness you might want to top up in the morning before you devour the bowl)
  • Handfull of your favourite fruit. I used sliced strawberries but you could add desecated coconut, chopped nuts, blueberries, extra chia seeds or mixed frozen berries to keep costs down)


I use a glass kilner jar with clasp to allow me safe transport to work as plastic Tupperware boxes have exploded more than once in my bag and left me pulling the last few strands of hair out damping down and sponging as it’s leather and won’t go in the washing machine.

Mix the instant oats with the yogurt to make sure all the oats are coated otherwise they will be dry and chewy if not fully incorporated. Add the milk a bit at a time till you get a good consistency but remember the oats will absorb the liquids overnight so you always need a bit more than you think but can top up in the morning if too dry.

Put in the fridge overnight and top with your favourite fruit in the morning at your leisure.


  • 6 free range eggs
  • 1/2 pack feta cheese
  • Around 75g your favourite chorizo sausage chopped finely. I used venison and chilli from a recent trip to Borough Market in London.
  • 1/2 a small onion or a couple of spring onions chopped
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper


Crack the eggs in a bowl and whisk. Add the chopped onion of choice, chorizo and crumble the feta into the mixture.

Oil a muffin or yorkshire pudding tin and divide the mixture between the holes in the tray.

Cook in the oven on 200C for around 12 minutes but check from 10 minutes and every two minutes until cooked to your desired liking. Remember the cheese and chorizo oil will mean it will be slightly moist and mushy to the touch but if you take them out and leave to rest for a few minutes they will continue to cook in their residual heat.

Eat immediately or refrigerate when cooled slightly and warm in the microwave for breakfast the day later.

You could add any other cheese of your preference but halloumi probably wouldn’t work so well as it keeps its shape and won’t melt into the eggy mixture whilst cooking. You could add some mustard to the mix, chiptole tobasco, peas, spinach, bacon, salami, ham, finely chopped broccoli or chopped tomato so get experimenting.


1 packet of flavoured Quaker Oaks (i used the blueberry super goodness porridge ones)
1 pot of Liberte yogurt as it’s got around 7g of protein (again I used blueberry or you can use plain Greek yogurt)
1 dessert spoon of ground oatmeal. I prefer the finer ground as I don’t like the texture of chunky oats
about 100ml of whole milk


You can add some of your favourite dried or fresh fruit if you like from fresh blueberries, strawberry, kiwi, mango,rasberries, blackberries, chopped almonds, toasted coconut or any other nuts.


Mix the oats in the yogurt then add the milk a bit at a time stiring as you go along to make sure it is fully incorporated so that you don’t have dry clumps in your proats.

I tried making chocolate and peanut butter the day before but ended in disaster. I used a pouch of chocolate whey protein from my recent Tribe box, which seemed to heavily overtip the balance of other ingredients.