The recently relaunched Grey’ s Restaurant at the Hilton Hotel in Cardiff are currently offering an afternoon tea discount for two guests for just £23 including a glass of bubbly.
With Cardiff Castle as the perfect backdrop to sample triple layered sandwiches, welsh cakes, scones with clotted cream and jam plus a selection of mini pastries such as macarons this afternoon tea discount voucher would make nice little Christmas gift for sisters, mums and grandmothers although not forgetting the male appreciators of sugary treats as I wouldn’t mind this one myself.
I bought one for my grandmother back last year when there was a similar discount on the afternoon tea at the Hilton but that was before the relaunch of the new Grey’s Restaurant and that didn’t include a glass of bubbly either so I’m sure it will be even better this time even though nanny Carole wasn’t complaining about hers anyway.
My mum decided to buy a separate voucher for her sister at the time but you can purchase an afternoon tea discount voucher for 4 too instead of messing around with multiple vouchers for just £45.
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